Easter Worship

Come and Celebrate the Joy of Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday at Cottage Grove UCC!
Easter 2016 cover
There will be two celebration
worship services on
Easter (March 27th) at
8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
Both services will have awesome music, beautiful flowers, and a hope-filled message about the promise of new life in Christ.
The sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. and a special story and time for children will be part of the 10:15 a.m. service.
Come and experience the joy of Easter morning at Cottage Grove UCC and invite your friends and family to join you!

Holy Week Supper and Worship

Calvary Website BannerThe powerful and life-transforming story of Jesus Christ is not complete without the suffering and sacrifice he endured for us and for our salvation on the cross. Come to a special Holy Week worship experience at Cottage Grove UCC on
Thursday, March 24th at 7:00 p.m. as we remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, partake of Holy Communion together, and hear the dramatic retelling of Christ’s passion story through scripture and song.
Prior to the service at 6 p.m., there will be a light soup and sandwich supper provided by the Cottage Grove UCC Fellowship Team. Please come early and enjoy some good food and conversation before the service. All are welcome!

Advent and Christmas Worship Schedule

Joy to the World Postcard
Come and celebrate the joy of the Advent and Christmas seasons in worship at Cottage Grove UCC.
December 6 (10:15 a.m.) – Advent worship with special music by JC Rock and the celebration of Holy Communion
December 13 (10:15 a.m.)  – Advent worship with special music by JC Rock
December 20 (10:15 a.m.) – Advent worship and Children’s Christmas Pageant
December 20 (6:30 p.m.) – Service of Light and Remembrance
Cottage Grove UCC will be holding an uplifting Service of Light and Remembrance to give thanks to God, honor our losses and our emotions during this holiday season, and encourage and support one another in our faith. The service will begin at 6:30 p.m. and include a candle lighting ceremony of remembrance and special Christmas music by Gary Afdahl and Emily Olson. Come to this service to be with God, to be renewed, and to support and encourage others in a time of need. All are welcome! Please come and invite your friends and family to attend with you.
December 24 (4:00 p.m.) – Celebrating the birth of Christ with lessons, carols, and candlelight. This worship service will also include a special story time for younger children.
December 24 (9:00 p.m.) – Celebrating the birth of Christ with lessons, carols, Holy Communion, and candlelight. This worship service will also include a special Christmas message by Pastor Bryan Olson.

Trash to Treasure Sale

TTT sale2015 Trash to Treasure Sale & Lunch

“One Person’s Trash is Another’s Treasure”
Friday, April 10, 9am – 4:00pm
Saturday, April 11, 9am – 2:00pm is $5 Bag Sale Day

Women’s Fellowship is sponsoring the Trash to Treasure Sale. Donating your unwanted household items to our church rummage sale will allow Women’s Fellowship to continue to support the needs of the church. Come to the Trash to Treasure Sale to shop, find treasures, and have lunch or dinner. We’re serving sloppy joes, homemade chicken noodle soup, homemade potato soup, hot dogs, and pie. We sell soup by the quart also. It’s a fun time, don’t miss it!

It’s time for spring cleaning. Donations are now being accepted. We would like the majority of donated items dropped off by Saturday, April 5th but will continue to accept donations through Wednesday, April 8th before 11 am. Please bring donations to the downstairs Fellowship Hall any time during the set up hours listed below or call the church to make sure someone is there to let you in.(651-459-1501).

Donations will be accepted no later than Wednesday, April 8th by 11am.

If you are available to help out in the kitchen in the afternoon or evenings of Wednesday, April 8th or Thursday April 9th we would love to have your help. We will be making potato and chicken noodle soup and sloppy joes. Call Sheri Wohlers for times. 651-731-2717

Please come and help sort, organize and price. Even an hour or two is helpful.

Sunday, March 29th immediately following the Palm Sunday Brunch– first set up- lots of muscle needed!

Monday, March 30th through Friday, April 3rd: 9 am – 1 pm and again 5 pm – 9 pm

Saturday, April 4th 9 am – 1 pm

Monday April 6th, through Wednesday, April 8th: 9 am – 1 pm and again 5 pm – 9 pm

VOLUNTEER to WORK DURING THE SALE – If you are available to work Friday, April 10th or Saturday, April 11th please contact Barb Larson (651)459-4448. You can work all day or part of a day.

DONATE PIES and FOOD ITEMS for the LUNCH – Many pies are needed for both Friday and Saturday.

Look for a sign-up sheet during church, or contact Kristine Heuer if you are willing to donate food items. Food items should be dropped off downstairs in the church kitchen by Tuesday, April 7th. Pies should be dropped off Friday, April 10th and Saturday, April 11th before 9am.

CLEAN UP and HAUL AWAY CREW – Lots of help will be needed on Saturday, April 11th at 2 pm to box up the unsold items. We also need people with trucks, vans and trailers willing to haul loads of boxes to Stone Soup Thrift Store.

DONATIONS ACCEPTED: clothing, shoes, kitchen items, bedding, baby clothes, toys, books, records, CD’s, tapes, DVD’s, jewelry, small working electronics, tools, women’s accessories, collectibles, antiques, sports equipment.

DONATIONS NOT ACCEPTED: hide-a-beds, artificial Christmas trees, bunk beds, water beds, pull-out sofas, paint, chemicals, car seats, encyclopedia sets, exercise equipment, TV’s, computers, curtain rods, car tires, large furniture or appliances. ** If you have larger items you want to donate please let us know because if they don’t sell we will ask you to take them back so we are not responsible for disposal costs.

Let’s all work together to make this the best sale ever!

Lent and Holy Week Worship and Events

Lent and Holy Week 2015 banner

  • Lenten Sermon Series – “Rediscovering Jesus” – Sunday Worship at 10:15 a.m. (Through March 29th)
  • Lenten Small Group – “Making Sense of the Bible” – Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 p.m. (Through April 1st)
  • Palm Sunday Brunch Set-up – March 28th 2:00 pm
  • Palm Sunday & Palm Sunday Brunch – March 29th
              Worship – 10:15 a.m. (N)
    Brunch (Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit, Coffee Cake, Beverages) – 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Maundy Thursday Worship – April 2nd 7:00 pm (N)
  • Good Friday Worship – April 3rd 7:00 pm (N)

Lenten Small Group – Making Sense of the Bible

This Lenten season you are invited to delve deeper into your understanding of God’s Word by reading and discussing the book, “Making Sense of the Bible” by Rev. Adam Hamilton.


making sense of the Bible
In “Making Sense of the Bible“, Adam Hamilton invites us into an honest conversation about the Bible. The book begins with foundational questions such as, How and when was the Bible written? Who decided which books made it into the scriptures and why? How literally must we read it? And, Is the Bible ever wrong?

From there, Hamilton considers the real questions people frequently ask that continue to divide Christians and denominations alike, including:

• Were Adam and Eve real people?
• Why is God so violent in the Old Testament?
• Why would Paul command women to “keep silent in the church”?
• Is Jesus the only way to salvation? • How does God view homosexual people?
• Is the Book of Revelation a guide to the End Times?

 In approachable and inviting language, Hamilton addresses these often misunderstood biblical themes leading readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible so that we might hear God speak through it and find its words to be life-changing and life-giving.

Small groups are forming now. Pastor Bryan will be leading a group on Wednesday evenings at Cottage Grove UCC from 7-8 p.m. beginning on Feb. 25th and running through March 25thPlease email pastor@cgucc.org or call 651-459-1501 to sign up for this special small group experience.

Marvelous Mitten Makers Yarn & Fund Raiser 2015

For the 5th year in a row, Cottage Grove United Church of Christ is gathering materials for the Marvelous Mitten Makers.

MMM was organized 28 years ago to make mittens, scarves, hats, sweaters, afghans, quilts and baby items for the needy. 

These beautiful warm items were distributed to the following locations:

Babette-yarn1-738846MMM uses approximately $20,000 worth of yarn each year with 80% donated by the knitters themselves. The other 20 % needs to be purchased.

CGUCC is raising money and materials to help out this wonderful mission. We will be collecting the following items thru the first week in February:

  • Skanes of 4 Ply Worsted Weight Washable Yarn
  • Fleece (2 yard pieces) and Batting
  • Cash Donations and Gift Cards for Joann’s, Michaels or Visa.

    (Gift Cards can also be purchased through our Script Program–Contact Jenn the Church Office at 651-459-1501).

See our display and donation box in the Gathering Room. If you have any questions, please contact Judy or Ron Bonnevier, MMM Coordinators or Elaine Mitchell.

Thanks to all of you for helping out the Marvelous Mitten Makers. This is truly a vital outreach mission.

More Than Money Matters

You’re invited to a FREE financial educational series called More Than Money Matters®.


MoneyValuesHappiness 2It’s a one day workshop, created by Thrivent Financial, that’s designed to equip you with tools and information to help you manage your money wisely and make spending decisions that align with your faith, goals and values. During the workshop, you’ll learn how to:
• Set SMART goals.
• Find money to save.
• Understand credit and debt.
• Put it all together by creating a budget to help manage your finances.

The educational workshop will be offered at Cottage Grove UCC (7008 Lamar Ave S, Cottage Grove, MN) on Saturday, March 28 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM, and will be led by Arlene Myers, CFP®, Financial Associate with Thrivent Financial.

Complimentary refreshment and lunch will be served.

To register contact Pam Eisele or Arlene Myers at 651-458-5392 or email Pamela.eisele@thrivent.com